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Bob Dylan & the Band Live
source: The 'RAH' concert

Side one: 
Tell me Mama 
I don't believe you 
Baby let me follow you down 
Just like Tom thumb's blues 

Side two: 
 Ballad of a thin man 
Like a rolling stone 

"RAH"  releases:
Alphabetical LP list
Early versions
TMOQ Versions
TAKRL Versions
Greatest WW versions
Later European versions
Later USA versions

Bob Dylan & the Band live
This is possibly the third USA release of the tape, although further investigation is pending. According to Hot Wacks and Heylin this LP was released in 1971 
Start at the beginning of the Albert Hall tour 

View enlarged images below

This 1971 LP was produced from a run that mistakenly used two mismatched master plates. It is not known for sure what Label created the '6 & 2' format (Six songs on side A; two on B) Since the matrix is 'LIVE A/B', it is thought that the LP is the basis for the 'Live Label' LP spoken of by Heylin and Hot Wacks. 

This release is another piece of the puzzle, as it is actually titled 'Bob Dylan and the Band Live'
On the back of of the cover is the track listings that are in the standard '4 & 4' format. It will be assumed then, that the intention of the manufacturer was to release a version of that LP using pre-exsisting master plates.
The LP has the standard label. However, a mistake in loading the master plates resulted in A side being pressed from the 'AHLP3' plate, and B side being pressed from the 'LIVE ' plate. The result is this oddity that is in a unique '4 & 4' format cover and contains only six songs.
Back to the 'LIVE A/B version

7 stars     NMP200 

(Not in gwa)
Matrix:  AH LP 3 A / LIVE B 

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