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Member in good standing since: June 29, 2002
CD-r Trader
Gold Star Member
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I'm Looking For
Bob's Boots feedback
Other Artists

*Name: Sergio
*Country: Italy
*Category: (List all that apply tape, cdr, video, or other): cdr
*E-mail address: 
Online trade list URL : http//it.geocities.com/sergiosalabelle
Do you want to receive feedback from others? Yes 
Trade Policy: see my page
I'm looking for: bob dylan
Other artists I trade: 
Bruce Springsteen 
Van Morrison 
David Bowie 
Beatles ...


My Trade Policy:

Please see my wep page


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Feedback for This Trader:
Leave feedback for Sergio
If you have had dealings with this trader,
drop us an email to let us know how it went.

1) I have traded with Sergio many CD's. 
It's very nice, and very quick,  to trade with him. 
I recomend him to all the bobsboots.com traders.
Joan Muntanyola

2) This trader is an excellent, very fast, and very reliable trader. I have traded with him for several times in the last six months, and have never been disappointed. Fast and uncomlicated! His discs are high quality, and he keeps in touch throughout the trade. He is a trader for everyone who wants trading without any problem. 

3) An incredible trader! Fast and accurate. Great quality. Our highest recommendations! 00000
Lissa bobsboots.com

4) Sergio is a nice guy.
When I sent my discs to him, he told me that one of his was faulty, but he was getting one off another trader and what should he do, I told him  to" TRUST YOURSELF" as the man himself says. When I got the discs off him they were perfect. 

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I'm Looking For:

Nothing specified

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Other Artists I Trade:

Bruce Springsteen 
Van Morrison 
David Bowie 
Beatles ...

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