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Site Donations
Thanks for your support!
Dear friend, it is with humble heart; and after many suggestions from our patrons that we have created this page. This site is, and will always strive to be free for all. Even though we are constantly offered, we have accepted no sponsors. As google tracking has become a way for large traffic sites to make a few cents, we have incorporated it into the site, but it is only used at the desire and discretion of the patron. There are no pop-ups, and no trick pay links on our site. There is no membership fee or download usage fee that we ever ask. The expense of all of this to us, however, is staggering. If you enjoy and benefit from the massive amount of work that goes into this effort, and would like to see it continue; this is where you could help us out. There is no suggested donation. If you made a great trade, and want to send a dollar as a way of thanks, we would welcome it. If you are in the financial position to donate $5, $10, $20, or $100... please know that the money will only be used to help us meet our expenses. Your name will not be disclosed, however we will send a note of thanks, asking if we may add your name to our "Friends Of Bobs" list. If you are not able to donate, please don't feel obligated. This is your site. There is no charge to use it!

Cash, cheque
M.O., Check
Thank you!

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Thank you!
Yes, we will gladly accept this type of donation.
Please click HERE to send us an email with the subject "FOB donations"
(If the links on this page don't work for you, you can find eMail links that will on any page of the website, or
you can simply copy and paste our address into your eMail account)       webmaster@bobsboots.com  

eMail sent from this page will automatically read as follows:

Dear bobsboots,
I would like to make a site donation, but I don't want to use Paypal/Credit Card.
Please let me know how I can make the payment.


You can add your name to it, or alter it in any way that you would like.
However, please don't alter the subject line.

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